Australian Cattle Dogs seit 1993

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Sara Herzlinger * * Tel.: 06181-73654


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Klicken Sie auf einen Wurf um genauere Informationen zu erhalten und sich Fotos anzusehen:

A Multi-Ch. Kurpas Jump Back Jack (USA) x Ch. Landmaster Dont Be Cruel (Australien)
B Multi-Ch. Landmaster U Show Them How (Australien) x Dusty Dingo (Australien)
C Multi-Ch.Landmaster U Show Them How (Australien) x Multi-Ch. Wallaroo Avenging Angel
D .Bluespirit Ike des Poenjaap (Kanada) x Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty
E Ch.Wallaby Quarrawil Quilpie (USA)x Multi-Ch.Wallaroo Avenging Angel
F Ch.Wallaby Quarrawil Quilpie(USA) x Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty
G Ch.Moto Movers Light Em Up (USA) x Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty
H Ch. Moto Movers Light Em Up (USA) x Multi-Ch. Wallaroo Avenging Angel
I Ch.Austlyn N Woodags Warpaint (USA) x Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty
J Ch.Austlyn N Woodags Warpaint (USA) x Jumpin Joker's Didgeridoo (BRD)
K Ch. Austlyn N Woodags Warpaint (USA) x Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty
L Multi-Ch. Wallaby Ned Kelly (USA) x Wallaroo Kasmodiah
M Wallaby Lucknow Lad (USA) x Hillhavens Journey To Keep (USA)
N Wallaby Lucknow Lad (USA) x Wallaroo In Flagranti
O All Star Anduk Stockmen's Pride (BRD) x Wallaroo Kasmodiah
P Ch. Wallaby Ned Kelly (USA) x Wallaroo In Flagranti
Q Ch. Wallaby Ned Kelly (USA) x Cossaks Yearning Angel (Finnland)
R Wallaby Lucknow Lad (USA) x Pureheel Royal Society (AUS)
S Multi-Ch. Oakhill Valley Chaos (Dänemark) x Wallaroo In Flagranti
U Jack Daniels von der Weide am Main x Wallaroo In Flagranti
V Multi-Ch. Dinky x Wallaroo Ready Steady Go
W Wallaby Lucknow Lad x Wallaroo Starspangled Banner
X Ch. Austlyn's N Wallaroo's Interceptor x Wallaroo Star Spangled Banner
Y Ch. Austlyn's N Wallaroo's Interceptor x Wallaroo Ready Steady Go
Z Ch. Austlyn's N Wallaroo's Interceptor x Wallaroo Who Let The Dogs Out
A Reddenblu's Look At Me Now x Wallaroo Star Spangled Banner
B Kalle of little willy willys x Wallaroo Who Let The Dogs Out




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Wallaroo - Welpen: